May 04, 2018
Lo que está junto a la orilla (What Is Next To The Shore) is the starting point assumed by Barbara Palomino Ruiz in the development of her artistic residency in the framework of the collaboration between Orbital Residency, in Santander and Das weisse haus, in Vienna. Friday, March 23 at 7:30 PM - 9 PM Avenida Faro S/N, 39012 Santander, ...
March 20, 2018
Studio Visit / Orbital Residency #3 / Barcenilla / Spain
March 16, 2018
Orbital Diálogos / Santander / Spain
_Viernes 16 de marzo, 19.30h, Centro Cultural Doctor Madrazo, Santander, España. Como parte de las actividades del programa de residencias de Orbital_Febrero/Marzo 2018 os invitamos a la charla/presentación que nuestra artista en residencia Bárbara Palomino hará sobre su trabajo. La artista comentará además sobre el proyecto que está desarrollando en el contexto del programa. El trabajo de Bárbara Palomino Ruiz ...
March 09, 2018
Weekly Conversations with studio das weisse haus
This week, we are eager to talk to studio artist Bárbara Palomino about her residency in Santander, Spain. This one-month stay is organized in cooperation with Orbital Residency. After hosting Lucia Simon Medina at studio das weisse haus, Barbara has been invited as Artist in Residence by our project partner. So far, you have spent about a week at orbital Residency. What are your first impressions in ...