exhibition in Parallel Vienna
philomena+ goes PARALLEL VIENNA
22.09- 27.09.2020
curated by Christine Bruckbauer
room #720
As every year, philomena+ is preparing its project statement in collaboration with artists from the MENA region and representatives of the Viennese art scene.
This year the duo-exhibition from the series Carrefour des Possibles is entitled Knotentopologie and makes reference to the global textile production and trade.With the walk-in installation, Férielle Doulain-Zouari and Bárbara Palomino-Ruiz analyse the scope of activity of the textile trade, starting from the places of manufacture (emerging countries), the transport routes (sea), and the places of consumption (industrialized countries).
In the process, knots and edges in the system are made visible, relationships and dependencies between the individual elements are examined. For this, the artists relate concepts such as proximity, the texture of space, and connectivity, creating an installation that not only weaves together recycled materials and found objects but also incorporates various textile techniques and sound recordings.
Férielle Doulain-Zouari (aus Tunis, artist-in-residence philomena+) studied textile science in Paris. Her sculptures and in-situ installations demonstrate a high degree of textile craftsmanship and concern the mass production and circulation of cheap goods used in daily life worldwide.
Bárbara Palomino-Ruiz (from Vienna, philomena+ Buddy-Artist and Kültür-Gemma!-Fellow) studied Audiovisual Arts in France and Textile Art and Social Sciences in Chile. Her multimedia works show a special concentration on the theme of textile production, digital narratives and technological heritage.